San Francisco Scenic Artists

The Bay Area Voice Mail System.

Here's the menu from the Voice Mail System.

Greeting: Welcome to the San Francisco Bay Area Scenic Artists Local 816 voice mail system. Please listen to the following options, you may skip to the boxes at any time during this message:

If you are a scenic artist available for work, or calling to say you have started a new job, press 1.

If you are an employer or lead wishing to hire scenic artists, press 2.

If you wish to hear the list of available scenic artists, press 3.

For date and times of the next Bay Area Local 800 meetings, to leave a message for the Bay Area Business Representative or for the Bay Area Executive Board press 4.

You may send a fax to 650-213-9775.

If you are interested in learning about Local 800, please visit our web site at or call the Union office in Studio City at (818) 762-9995.

Questions about contracts should be addressed to Box 4 or to the Union Office.

Press # to repeat this message.

Box 1. Box 1. If you are a member of Local 816 who is available for work, leave your name, the date you are available, and your phone number, especially if it has changed. To be included in any weeks list you should call before noon on Sunday. If you have started a new job be sure to report that also to save employers the trouble of calling members who aren't available. If this is your first time calling, leave your name, address, phone nukber, pager number and e-mail address so I can update the membership list. If you are not a member but wish to be added to our over hire list send a resume to P.O.Box 4073, Mountain VIew, CA 94040.

Press * to go to the previous menu, or Press # to repeat this message.

Box 2. If you are an employer or lead who wishes to hire scenic artists Leave a message here, I will receive a page when you leave a message, I'll get back to you as soon as possible. Please understand that while working I may need to wait for breaks or lunch before I can respond. I have the pager on between the hours of 8AM and 6PM. The cell phone is 415-509-2762, I'll have it on if I can.

Press * to go to the previous menu, or Press # to repeat this message.

Box 3. The following painters have reported available for work, this message is updated weekly. If you need a current phone list e-mailed or faxed to you leave a message in box 2 I will be paged when a message is received.

Press * to go to the previous menu, or Press # to repeat this message.

Box 4. Leave messages her for the Bay Area Business Representative, the Bay Area Executive Board, or for inclusion in the quarterly newsletter. The next General Membership Meeting will be held Tuesday, July 11 at 7 PM at the San Francisco Ballet Building, 455 Franklin St., San Francisco. The Executive Board meets the second Tuesday of each month, except August, at 6 PM.

Press * to go to the previous menu, or Press # to repeat this message.